Document Type : Research Paper



One of the questions raised in recent political philosophy is relation  Between power, subject and body, This is that power how constitutes the subject and it body. Michel Foucault is a great thinker that to answer these questions, not only explores the Genea of the modern subject, But also He speaks of  technology of Self, Means A set of mechanisms through which The Self Dose exercise of power on and in itself. So how technology of self , makes the modern subject and it bodies? What are the consequences of such a situation? Foucault's solution for the emancipation of the modern subject of this situation, is including what lessons for our society today?. It seems that in the political thought of Foucault, The subject And his body takes shape In the process of monitoring and punishment mechanism panopticism and internalized. Perhaps the most important consequence of this situation is self-alienation of the subject and body. It seems, Foucault proposed the two solution of joined together to release subject of alienating: 1- Resistance and refusal permanent, 2- Parrhesia (telling the truth). means on Foucault ,the one hand, Invites of  we to have a permanent resistance against the relations of knowledge / power / truth not only in the outside world but also within (The negative form of Foucault solution), On the other hand, invites of  Us for have to Being frank, risk and to reconstruct of self  based on creative narratives(The Positive form of Foucault solution).


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