Document Type : Research Paper



The way that human being has gotten up to now in ethics, is regarded by Nietzsche not as a positive evolutional process, but as a history of long-lasting human mistakes and as the cause of his terrible fate. Thus he criticizes intensely the ethics which was considered as a historical heritage and evaluable achievement of human being. He thinks that all aspects of human life, even his question of being are influenced by values and these values have made some struggles and crisis for him. He entitled himself as an anti-ethic and rejects all moral systems. In criticizing ethics he wants to find the real foundation of ethics to illustrate its position and function and to recognize the human evaluating mechanism which forced him to do moral acts. Underlying all subversive comments and thoughts of Nietzsche, there is a noble and new though integrated idea. He does not intend to found a system similar to what he criticized and destroyed. Superhuman is the paragon of this new idea. Looking at his critics on ethics this article assesses his negative view on ethics.


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