Document Type : Research Paper



In this article, it is a matter of expressing (analyzing) the Hegelian reading from Aristotelian ethics under two fundamental concepts, that is, "happiness" and "virtue" and also the implications of this reading. According to Hegelian Interpretation, two above concepts have more social functions than Aristotelian and classical one. Moreover they have also subjective objectify through which Individual and community in dialectical process in a virtual framework can receive the only Good, that is, freedom. Originality and in a sense priority of the political thought in Hegel's philosophical system requires an ethical system that can act beyond Aristotelian moral naturalism and explain external relations and the requirements of social and political life. Thus in Hegel's thought, happiness and virtue have however the unique important such as Aristotle's ethical system, their roles go beyond the education of people. This study demonstrates that Hegel, by employing the two fundamental concepts of Aristotelian ethics, happiness and virtue, in the general framework of his thinking, provides the basis for the transformation of their meaning


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