Document Type : Research Paper



Creation of the trilogy as a play format and the issue of creating tragedy in the framework of the first its performance are interconnected with each other and as attributed to Aeschylus, logically can be spoken about synchronisation of them. On the other hand tragedy as a historical event or real and objective experience that narrated by Plato in the form of dialogue, reproduces trilogy's innovative element that is tragedy. In the interpretation of Apology on the base of intellectual context, trilogy provides a special relationship with it. The present text within the framework of Socrates Impressionability of tragedy reviews the relationship between the trilogy of Aeschylus and Socrates tragedy and is of the opinion that the tragedy in shaping and directing the Apology has a unique role. This text tries to reveal such a relationship. Comparison of Apology and the plays of Aeschylus based on hermeneutics leads to unfold the meaning of the above that is the hypothesis of this text. This is the same sense that explains the main part of the civil and political views of Socrates


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