Document Type : Research Paper
In his seminal work, Of Grammatology, Jacques Derrida puts forward the notion of arche-violence. In Derrida’s view, the physical acts of violence all originate in a general, abstract violence which Derrida calls it the “first violence.” He claims that violence, in all its forms and manifestations, begins with language. This originary violence is an indispensable part of language functions by bringing difference into play, which in turn constructs oppositional poles. These differences and oppositions by influencing all interpretive systems establish violence in society as we understand it. The aim of this paper is to draw on Derrida’s arche-violence and the feminist discourses being inspired by his theories in order to explore the root causes of violence and oppression against women. Accordingly, the main concern of the present study is that violence against women has its root in language and the culture originating from that, and investigating individual cases of violence from a psychological perspective actually hinder finding the proper solution to this individual and social issue.