Document Type : Research Paper
Many expressed definition on «orientalism», including the western concept is the ambiguity of the term with negative connotations, especially in relation to the colonization of Europe, is verifiable. Edward Said's efforts for demystification of it, something of this complexity did not reduce, but anti-Western discourse, became the focus of the review. Emphasizing the contrast between the East (Asia) and the West (West), the distance between the subject and the fact that it creates in the mind of the researcher, the distance that making false image of the subject. Change this term in this subject, it is a sign of Western approach and unfortunately these changes by critics, especially Muslims, are ignored. Ignoring the role of time in the definition, especially in the field of Islamic studies in the West, the conflict affected and frozen concept to cash drag has more depth differences. This paper attempts to investigate ways of making the term «orientalism» in European culture, or territory of its applications, our understanding of the East, the East evolution of Western thought and cooperation of Muslims, Islamic studies, to modern challenges and paradigm shift east of the deal. At the end of the East empathetic, by enumerating the factors that have brought.
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