Document Type : Research Paper



Johann Gottlieb Fichte, one of the Kant's followers and founders of German idealism, claimed that is the only philosopher that found the spirit of Kant's philosophy. Despite this claim, he is opposed to Kant in some of the most important issues. One of them is the problem of intellectual intuition. Kant explicitly disputes the intellectual intuition, whereas Fichte bases the consciousness on it and even he proves that without the intellectual intuition the knowledge is impossible in human kind.
He asserts that intellectual intuition in his opinion is something different from Kant's and it'sname is the only common factor between them. He also says that Kant agrees with him and even this point is the spirit of the first critiques.
This assay is to study this issue and clarify the subject matter, then it turns out that in the point of intellectual intuition, spite common denominator between them, Fiche disagrees Kant. There is a difference of opinion in respect of "transcendental I". In this case what Kant explicitly denied is the same as Fichte proves.


-         افلاطون؛ 1337، دوره آثار افلاطون، محمد حسن لطفی؛ چاپ اول، تهران، خوارزمی
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