Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Unit, Political Sciences Dept


In the contemporary era, the Western scientific capabilities in the field of technology and her political domination have been two important issues for other societies. The idea Iranians have of the West, because of her colonialist character, is mostly accompanied by some oversimplifications. In this regard, a proper view to the West requires accurate, fundamental, deep, and comprehensive knowledge of her.  In the non-western countries, some manifestations of the West have appeared in the form of ideas and views as well as emphasis put on the western thinkers and their works in their civilizational era. Iran is one of these countries which has been, in the contemporary era, subject to such manifestations. In this concern, and while knowledge of West is still a serious issue, [study of] the history of Iranians' familiarity with the western manifestations, in their historical and intellectual terms, is among necessary duties. One of the vigorous scientists and researchers who discusses studies of the West done by Iranians is Karim Mojtahedi. While doing this, he introduces the West; and, through this introduction, Iranians may know themselves in a better manner. His work shows the ideas of an Iranian of the West in his own time; and, at the same time, it discusses the ideas of other Iranians of the West which, in the present article, more emphasis has put on it. Knowing from a philosophical point of view, on which Mojtahedi puts emphasis, is important since he thinks that the contemporary civilization of the West has been founded on philosophical foundations.
The present article discusses and processes ideas of Mojtahedi, views of Iranians to the contemporary modern time of the West, [western] influential thinkers, and works done by Iranians in this field.
The methodology employed in the present article is a descriptive-analytical one. Findings show that, concerning the West, some works have been done by Iranians such as Malkom, Akhundzadeh, and Hosseinqoli Aqa which had some sympathy toward the West. Also, some works have been performed by Iranians like Sayyid Jamal and Mulla 'Ali Zunuzi who were of the opinion that the West's achievements should be employed. Also, the article shows that not only Iranians knowledge of the West has not been a proper one, but also it has been false and accompanied by some misunderstanding; and, as a result, it has been of no use for Iranian society.
