Document Type : Research Paper
1 M.S. in Regional Studies, Allamah Tabatabai University
2 M.S. in European Studies, Allamah Tabatabai University
In Nietzsche works, Christianity is considered as a prominent instance of the slave morality, since it takes weakness as human power and brightness. For a Christian, a good man is a humble and good-wishing one. Nietzsche considers each and every moral system of this kind as Christian morality and criticizes many moral principles accepted by the modern world under this title. He thinks that Judaism has played such an important role in man's decline that he takes it [Judaism] as a symbol of values of lower species as compared to higher human beings. According to him, conflict between two value systems is a historical conflict which, in spite of historical victory of the declined and lower species, is still continuing. On the other hand, "morality" and "values" in the modern world may be considered as his most important intellectual concern. In the modern world in which the foundations of metaphysics become unstable (of which Nietzsche speaks as God's death), foundations of traditional morality and values become unstable as well, since the ruling morality introduces its own values as instructions issued by a lofty and meta-natural source. Now that the supra-natural has been invalidated, moral values are dissolving as well, and man faces the crisis of nihilism. Under such circumstances, Nietzsche claims for creation of new values. The questions discussed in the present article are "what is the nature of moral values whose death has come and where is their source? And, in the light of which point, the morality by Nietzsche, will appear?"