Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Esfahan University

2 M.A. Student, Esfahan University


In the course of history, philosophers have witnessed many developments among which is Kant's Copernican revolution. When he emerged, views towards philosophy changed completely and a new era began in philosophy. After him, every philosopher has been somehow in interaction with this view. Though Kant was claiming that he had created a fully critical system, it seems that, even in his own system, one cannot be fully faithful to the critical methodology intended by him. Some scholars advocated attempts made to improve Kantian system so that replies might be provided for those who claimed that there were deficiencies in his philosophy among whom we may mention Reinhold and Fichte. Fichte tries to provide firm foundations for philosophy and, in this way, uproot uncertainty. In his writings such as Theory of Science, he tried to explain his own methodology and improve Kant's critical philosophy.
Here, we try to discuss grounds for formation of the ideas of Fichte as one of the German philosophers and the way he faced problems in Kant's critical philosophy.
