Document Type : Research Paper


Group of political science, Semnan branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran


This essay is on the base of this presupposition that Weber placed in the trajectory of critical approach to modernity that begins with Nietzsche and ends with postmodern thinkers. On this base, the question is that what`s Weber`s approach to political modernity. The hypothesis is that Weber doesn`t accept it. With accounting this consideration that belivers of political modernity belives to preference of autonomy over domination, concrete hypothesis also is that Weber belives to preference of domination over autonomy. With applying of history of ideas as method, findings of this essay signify that three unit-ideas of “preference of domination over autonomy”, “superficiality of democrasy” and “critical approach to liberalism” in Weber`s approach is prominent. In spite of this critical approach, Webber holds that only bureaucratic depoliticisation is reversible. Weber thinks that charismatic leadership in the context of parlementary democracy can removes this shortcoming.


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