Document Type : Research Paper


member of Institue for Humanities and Cuitural Studies


This article is an attempt to appraise the question of education based on Heidegger's perspective as delineated in his work "Being and Time". This work opens up a different venue on issues of education and knowledge. Heidegger unfolded to us with his phenomenology of method and thinking on the concept of Logos and Phenomenon: Logos means "allowing to visit and phenomenon means "showing yourself to yourself. This sense of phenomenology is an opportunity to show things in your own way. Dasein  is the clearing (lichtung) for showing things with temporal disclosedness- in concerning ratio with things  and solicituding ratio with the other daseins – to make it possible  to unfold and allow in unfolding  the truth of the things. In the education on the base of Heidegger's lessons-the subject of education appears to be somewhat concerning in relation to the things of the environment's world. The relationship between a teacher and a student with mode of" leaping ahead-solicituding" leads to a new (truth) event. When we approach education in this fashion then we move beyond dualistic ways of conceptualizing education based on subject-object relationship and instead conceptualizing in a way that dasein is part and parcel of this sojourn. But on the basis of the intention to the things (temporality) every confrontation with the truth appears in relation to the Being of things.


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