Document Type : Research Paper



In "My Way into Phenomenology" Heidegger  mentions Braig's " On Being : Outline of Ontology " in the same respect which he refers to Brentano's book on Aristotle and Husserl's " Logical Investigations"(GA14:92)[1]. He also refers to the decisive and therefore ineffable influence on his later academic career that came from Braig- the professor of systematic theology and the last in the tradition of the speculative school of  Tübingen which gave significance and scope to Catholic theology through its dialogue with Hegel and Schelling. Fifty years later than his first encounter with Braig in 1909, Heidegger Praises Braig's " penetrating kind of thinking "and " knack of turning ideas into the living present"(Ibid:82).
However, Braig's influence on Heidegger is not emphasized proper way. This article intends to concentrate on this issue in three sections: a. in approaching to philosophical tradition, b. in content of thought and c. in style of writing.

[1] Heidegger,M, Zur Sach Des Denkens,Vitterio Klostermann,2007.


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