Document Type : Research Paper
Colonization is an inseparable part of the west and world history. It has dominant intellectual foundations and a hegemony and discourse that not only initiates the colonization action, but intensifies and continues it. Colonization deeply is in connect with that kind of thought that with differentiation and separating itself from others, and getting identity from that, puts itself on a up hand position. With regard to such relation, western man is placed in a situation that in Christian ideology is known as salvation. In recent years it has given place to new concepts that have come from metaphysics of new era. And western man is mentioned as the sample of rationality, delighted and the symbol of history and historical development. So the colonization that leads to domination of west and European powers on other nations, justify itself and shows itself in line with the major current of history. On 19th century this vision connected with racial and social Darwinism aspects and mentioned west and western man as the most biological, social and cultural progressive man in the world. In this paper this aspect of west and western man is studied analytically and critically with regard to mental foundations of colonization. Thus the result is that there is a parallel between the practice of colonialism and its attitude with the metaphysical principles and the dominant philosophy of history. This means that the initial hypothesis is confirmed.
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