Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Department of Western History and Civilization, Institute forhumanities and cultural studies


Reason is Difference among human and animal that makes human civilization. But creek mythology and philosophy believe that women are imotional and irrational. Modern Philosophers like Kant also introduce women irrational so they are inappropriate to social and political and economical area. But philosophers of feminism criticize the patriarchal approach about rationality. They believe patriarchal approach causes both sexual injustice and other injustices in human civilization. So feminist philosophers are trying for another discourse of reason because of bringing women to social and political and economical area sothat maternal rationality returns kindness and peace to mankind societies. In this article after analyses of modern male rationality and critiques of post modernism, the author evaluates feminist theories and presents rationality standards that don't get in trouble with human confrontation and duality of subject/ object, me/other, main/ subsidiary.


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