Document Type : Research Paper



Plato and Hobbes are one of the most prominent political philosophers who have put emphasis on the necessity of the construction of the government. The superiority of the authoritative government and its features in their political philosophy arises from the states of their times and is based on the metaphysical foundation of their thoughts. Plato has considered an absolute scientific-ethical government as an ideal and practical government in order to finish the scientific-ethical anarchies. And Hobbes has proposed an absolute secure-political government in order to finish secure-political insecurities. Our main question in the paper is that: how have Plato and Hobbes established the authoritative government on the base of the features of their metaphysical system. The main claim of the paper is that Hobbes's attitudes about the human nature are reductive and pessimistic and Hobbes, unlike Plato, has not tried to present a good civil life for human beings. However Plato's philosophy is more humanistic because of educational ideals. And Plato prefers the government which regards its civilians not in a beast mood and lust and anger rank, but in a humanistic rank. That is to say, he wants to promote the human being to a virtue which is rational activity.


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