Document Type : Research Paper


1 Dean of Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship, Department of Art studies, Art University of Isfahan.

2 Ph.D. Student, Department of Art Studies, Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship, Art University of Isfahan


History is a chain without breaks, which shift flowingly from an era to another. A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in the basic concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline. Institution of art will rearrange, when a paradigm shift occures as result of a dialectical encounter. Thus art world coordinate itself with philosophical, political, economical and social aspects of the emerging era. This essay is trying to persue paradigm shifts in the western thought from Renaissance to beginning of Modernism, and their impacts in formation of art schools. Renaissance art rose with emblem of genius godlike man, to supersession pivotal position of god in the art of Middle Ages. Baroque artists took the first steps to be independent. Neoclassic art used ideas of the Enlightenment to serve the french revolution. Romantics became rebellious and restless illustrators of nature. Realists reflected protests of the downstream in their works, and Impressionists challenged these traditional approaches to be the pioneers of an endless conflict named Modernism.


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