Document Type : Research Paper


1 Iran،Tehran، Science and Research Branch، Islamic Azad University، Department Of: Political Science.

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

3 Associate Professor of Political Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The way of dealing with the West is one of the main components of Iran's thought space, and the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution of Iran is also a product of this concern. In the form of Western-critique paradigm, Shariati tried to create new meanings and themes derived from traditional, religious, mythical and modern elements to present a picture of the West within the framework of its political discourse, which has a distinctly different appearance beforehand . In this paper, the teachings of post-colonial studies, and in particular the two concepts of extravagance and the creation of another, have been used as a theoretical framework, and the Laclau and Mouffe discourse analysis method has been used as a method to answer the question that the West How is Shariati political discourse presented? The findings of this paper show that he, through the representation and pictorial mechanism, has drawn a boundary between the "Me" and "the other" of the west and has devised an image of the West that has implications Because it is an imperialist, exploiting, devilish, oppressor and arrogant.


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