Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


cultural translation is a translation that adaptsthe text message and the source culture to the target culture. Such a translation often increases and decreases and is not a verbal translation. In cultural translation, the translator transcends the meaning of the material, the context, and the context of the source, paying attention to the specifics and requirements of the coordinates of the target culture for the transfer of concepts and even intellectual experiences. According to the common terminology of the Islamic tradition, the cultural translation of European philosophy and thought requires a kind of ijtihād. this process requires prerequisites such as mastering the spirit of culture and thought of origin on the other hand, and paying attention to the capacities and specifications of the target culture on the other. We can not claim that Foroughi, in the Seyr-e Hekmat dar Oroupa (Development of wisdom in Europe), has all the preconditions and requirements for cultural translation. In his work and his mind, it can be argued that the development of wisdom in Europe is beyond mere mechanical translation and is somewhat in the midst of the cultural translation of Western philosophy and thought in Persian and Iranian culture.


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