Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Education, University of Tehran

3 Professor, Department of Philosophy of Education, Tarbiat Modares University

4 PhD student of Philosophy of Education, Tehran university, Responsible author


Because of hybrid nature of language, it has conceptual and existential aspects. Ideas of Socrates caused conceptual aspect to be focused on and the existential one neglected. In Heidegger and Niche’s view, neglect of the relation between phsysis and logos and forgetting the role of language in emerging the existence and it’s inability to adapt with becoming of the existence, caused the essence of existential aspect to be obsolesced; and through degrading the subject from ontology to epistemology by Kant, needed ground for the supremacy of conceptual language was provided. This process was accelerated through  submitting the theory of Formal language caused this process to enter a new stage which led to accepting Gestell like an inevitable fate that was the result of need of human in this context .
Nietzsche and Heidegger find a solution in this era of hardship. They try to provide a situation in which another type of human and universe appear via attention to existential language and revival of ontological thought against the virtual type which has predestined conceptual language and antique thought.


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