Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of philosophy of education at Tehran University and researcher in the field of philosophy

2 PhD student of philosophy of Kharazmi University

3 Associate Professor of Social Studies, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


Based on Heidegger's views, in this paper we examine Confucius way of teaching as is expressed in analects books. Heidegger's hermeneutical phenomenology was used as an Approach "to understand Being of things” and “to let them unfold themselves”. Examining some essential concepts of analects books, we show how the values ​​in Confucian thought as an oriental way have become a moral system, thus the existence of the beings is reduced to their moral being (i.e: there is a definite moral system in place of existence, so the ontic substitute the ontology), so endanger potentiality, lifeworld and plurality of situations, and eliminated ontological openings. Eventually, in the area of ​​education, openness and other ways do not have the chance to appear, and new and varied ways become closed.


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