Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Sociology, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


Reflexivity not only is one of the most remarkable characteristics of modern life but also depicts an important idea challenge of the contemporary social sciences’ thinkers.  For such sociologists like Anthony Giddens reflexivity plays a key role in modern era as an inseparable part of political and moral everyday life. Meanwhile, Michel Foucault raise the question in which he asks how reflexivity can be exist in the realm of power relations and reproduction of social forms of domination. This paper attempts to clarify the process of transformation of reflexivity as the most important feature of modern life through applying Foucault’s genealogic point of view.
relying on original materials, we looks at the definition of reflexivity for Giddens in the first section and then in the second part we intend to use the Foucault’s genealogic point of view to elaborate the process of transformation of reflexivity to the main feature of modern world. This article will show us the importance of re-evaluation of our trust to the reflexivity in the modern world.


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