Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in philosophy of Isfahan University

2 Professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The Kant's categories must be necessarily related to the object-relatedness. Because of the spontaneity of understanding faculty and the receptivity of Sensibility faculty, there should be a common thing that make possible the relation between these two faculties of conception. Heidegger recognizes that the "Time" is that common thing that causes to unify and synthetize of these two faculties. Therefore, by the practice of schematism, we come to this result that the reflection or conception (including both intuition and reason/understanding) are entirely temporal. Thus according to such interpretation, Time is not only Sensibility form but also is the apperception form.  So, Heidegger removes the distinction between the schematism and the category and knows the Kantian "Ego" together with its categories as the regulative form of time. Consequently, through the schematism, the Time because of the providing of the unifying the conception, provides the objectivity of object and makes the apriori synthetic statements possible. "Time" is that thinkable boundary of recognition and external of recognition, i.e. the boundary of illusion and objectivity. According to this, Time as the transcendental horizon, determined the horizon of our encountering with being. 


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