Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Philosophy, Faculty of Theology, Law and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Theology, Law and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


In the history of thinking, especially in the field of the humanities, the idea of ​​Wilhelm Dilthey is a turning point. The era of Dilthey coincided with full-fledged science. Those who were scientific did not differ significantly between the method of the natural sciences and the humanities. Dilthey confronted this group and believed that in order to solve the problem the relation of the humanities by recognizing nature, we should pay attention to the similarity of the subject and the content of each science by the method of research in that science; otherwise, we would not achieve sufficient knowledge.. Dilthey considers the subject of the humanities to be social-historical reality and the method of research into it is an introspection and inner experience. The inner experience in his view is more certainty than the outer experience. Hence, humanities can achieve more certainty with respect to natural sciences. The basic principle of Dilthey's thought in this way is the principle phenomena. This principle states that objects are given as human feelings, as consciousness acts, and are subject to conditions of consciousness.


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