Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Philosophy, Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,

2 Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Theology, Law and Political Science, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


Dilthey's attempt failed in the first part of his thought for independence in the humanities. So, to find the right solution, he considered his initial thoughts. The achievement of this re-effort was that the pathway inside was not a proper way in the humanities because it could not be a means of understanding. In the second part of his thought, Dilthey believes that history should be considered as a mirror, and through reflection, he has come to grasp. The terms that Dilthey uses to achieve his purpose include:
The experience of life, the objectification of the spirit and understanding, He perceives the understanding of the reconstruction and reproduction of experiences that the subject has done. In this reconstruction, the intellectual space and the backgrounds historical-cultural and other matters related to the author should be considered. Also, Dilthey introduces categories as categories of life, include: time, meaning, value, goal, and productive power. Among these categories, time has a special place in the Diletai intellectual system. Because there are other categories of reflection in this category.


منابع انگلیسی:
1)     Dilthey, Wilhelm. Understanding the Human world. (selected works vol.2) ed. by Rudolf makkreel and frithj of Rodi. Princeton: Princeton universityPerss. 2010
2)     Dilthey, Wilhelm. The formation of the Historical world in the human science (selected works vol.3) ed. by Rudolf makkreel and frithj of Rodi. Princeton: Princeton universityPerss. 2003
3)     Dilthey, Wilhelm. Hermeneutics and the study of History (selected works vol.4) A makkreel and frithj of Rodi. Princeton: Princeton university Perss.ed Rudolf, 1996
4)     Gadamer, H. G, Truth and Methed; Translation by: Joel weinsheimmer, the continuum company, 1994
5)     Martin Heidegger, Bing and Time, Translated by john macguarrie and Ed world Robinson, Basil Black well, 1988
6)     Makkreel,Rudolf ,Wilhelm Dilthey, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2016 Edition), Edward N.zalta (ed.), URL=<http:// plato. Stanford. Edu /archives/fall2016/ entries/dilthey/>.
7)     Wheeler, Michael, “Martin Heidegger” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (winter 2018) Edition Edward N.zalta (ed.), forthcoming URL=<http:// plato. Stanford. Edu /archives/win 2018 /entries/ heidegger/>.
منابع فارسی
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2-     تشکل جهان تاریخی در علوم انسانی، ویلهلم دیلتای، ترجمه منوچهر صانعی دره بیدی، تهران، انتشارات ققنوس، 1389
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