Document Type : Research Paper


Member of the Faculty of Science and Philosophy Research Institute of Iran


One of the issues concerning technology is the orientation discussion. This issue has always had Proponents and opponents. Some see technology as directional and some know technology being neutral. The neutralists view technology as merely a user-defined tool. In this study, based on a orientational interpretation. According to this study, technology is oriented in different manners. Some of these aspects as follows: orientation in terms of fundamentals, orientation in terms of frameworks, orientation in terms of application, orientation in terms of supplies, orientation in terms of requirements, orientation in terms of context and subtext, orientation in terms of the all–collectinely of the systematics, orientation in terms of the genuine effects of the technology, and orientation in terms of results. According to this approach, the orientation of technology does not essential to the nature of technology, but the purpose of this orientation is among the majority of these technological attributes and characteristics in human will.


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