Document Type : Research Paper


Department of intercultural philosophyAssistant Professor, Department of Intercultural Philosophy, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


Objecting Quine’s indeterminacy of translation, Hans Glock claims that this thesis is in a dilemma about how to face the hermeneutic circle: On the one hand, opposing optional hypotheses, Quine prevents accepting the hermeneutic circle, and on the other hand, the scenario of Quinn's radical translation actually uses optional hypotheses and hermeneutic circles. Here, after explaining Glock’s claims, I investigate the nature of the hermeneutic circle and its various versions, and, on this basis, defending convergence between hermeneutic circle, according to Gadamer, and indeterminacy of translation, I object Glock’s claims.


منابع انگلیسی: 
1-      Ast, Friedrich, (1808), Grundlinien der Grammatik, Hermeneutik und Kritik, Landshut: Jos. Thomann, Buchdrucker und Buchhändler.
2-      Canfield, John V. (2003) "the passage into language, Wittgenstein versus Quine" in: Arrington and Glock (2003). pp. 118-143
3-      Gadamer (2004), Truth and Method, Translation revised by Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Mars, Second, Revised Edition, Continuum Publishing Group, London, NewYork
4-      Grondin, Jean (2002) “Gadamer’s basic understanding of understanding” in: The Cambridge companion to Gadamer, Robert J. Dostal (ed)
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6-      Glock, Hans-Johann (2003a) Quine and Davidson on Language, Thought and Reality, Cambridge University Press.
7-      Glock, Hans-Johann (2003b) "On safari with Wittgenstein, Quine and Davidson" in: Arrington and Glock (2003). pp. 144-172
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9-      Heidegger, Martin (1962) Being and time, translated by John Macquarrie & Edward Robinson,  Blackwell Publishing
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12-   Mantzavinos, C. (2016) "Hermeneutics" Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, First published Wed Jun 22, 2016
13-   Orenstein, Alex. (2002) W.V. Quine. Princeton and Oxford, Princeton university press, 
14-   Quine, W.V. (1987) Quiddities, The Belknap Press of Harvard UniversityPress, Cambridge, Mass., and London.
15-   Quine, W.V.O,  (1992),  Pursuit of Truth, Harvard University Press.
16-   Quine W.V. (1960), Word and Object, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.. 
17-   Quine, W.V. (1982). Theories and Things. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
18-   Quine W.V. (1974) The Roots of Reference (La Salle: Open Court).
19-   Quine, W.V.O. (1969a), "Epistemology Naturalized" in Ontological Relativity and Other Essays (New York: Columbia University Press) 69-90
20-   Quine, W.V.(2004) Quintessence: basic readings from the philosophy of W.V. Quine, Edited by Roger F. Gibson, The Belknap press of Harvard university press.
21-   Schleiermacher, Friedrich, (1999), Hermeneutik und Kritik, Manfred Frank (ed.), 7. Auflage, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
22-   Warnke, Georgia (2002) “Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Politics” in: The Cambridge companion to Gadamer, Robert J. Dostal (ed)
منابع فارسی:
23- پالمر، ریچارد (1377): علم هرمنوتیک. سعید حنایی کاشانی، هرمس
24- دیلتای، ویلهلم (1389)الف: تشکل جهان تاریخی در علوم انسانی. منوچهر صانعی دره بیدی، ققنوس، تهران
25- گادامر، هانس، حقیقت و روش، سیدمحمدرضا بهشتی، منتشر نشده[i]
26- لوکنر، آنادرئاس (1394)، درآمدی بر وجود و زمان، احمدعلی حیدری، علمی و نوارغنون
27- واینسهایمر، جوئل (1381) هرمنوتیک فلسفی و نظریه ادبی، مسعود علیا، ققنوس، تهران
[i] - استاد سید محمدرضا بهشتی لطف کردند و بخش­هایی از ترجمه منتشر نشده­ی خود از کتاب حقیقت و روش را به درخواست من، در اختیارم قرار دادند. جایی که نقل قول مورد نظرم از کتاب حقیقت و روش، از بخش­­هایی بود که ترجمه­ی دکتر بهشتی را در اختیار داشتم، ترجمه ایشان را آوردم و در پانوشت اشاره کردم که ترجمه متعلق به ایشان است، در سایر موارد، ترجمه­ی انگلیسی واینسهایمر از حقیقت و روش را به فارسی برگرداندم.
Indeterminacy of translation and hermeneutic circle
Hossein Shaqaqi[i]
Objecting Quine’s indeterminacy of translation, Hans Glock claims that this thesis is in a dilemma about how to face the hermeneutic circle: On the one hand, opposing optional hypotheses, Quine prevents accepting the hermeneutic circle, and on the other hand, the scenario of Quinn's radical translation actually uses optional hypotheses and hermeneutic circles. Here, after explaining Glock’s claims, I investigate the nature of the hermeneutic circle and its various versions, and, on this basis, defending convergence between hermeneutic circle, according to Gadamer, and indeterminacy of translation, I object Glock’s claims.
Radical translation, indeterminacy of translation, hermeneutic circle, Philosophical Hermeneutics