Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate of Mystical Literature, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, Institude for Humanities and Cultural Studies


The current reading of Cartesian subject has taken it as a turning point in human "self-fundamentalism". An essential part of twentieth-century philosophy, following Heidegger, defined his highest effort a critique of Cartesian subjectivity, as if the Cartesian subject had been the main factor diverting the path of philosophy from considering being qua being. Many critics have found the crisis of modernity a result of subject self-fundamentalism, insofar as it has distorted not only philosophy but humanity as well. While presenting Heidegger's critiques of the Cartesian subject and those by philosophers influenced by Heidegger, this paper attempts to return to the modality of Cartesian subject construction and to understand Cartesian reflection ratios with potentiality, duality, and self-fundamentalism. It also shows that we, given the fundamental lack of Cartesian subject, cannot make such a criticism of Descartes' subject' fact. Among this philosophers, there have been thinkers who have a different reading from the Cartesian subject, one that does not lead subject to forgetfulness of being, humanity's self-fundamentalism crisis, and so on. This paper, while digging out the concept of the subject in Greece and its Hellenic and mystical gene, provides readings contrast to the usual Cartesian ones and shows that the Cartesian subject is, in fact, the void that allows truths to be tested.


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