Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of History, Civilization and Islamic Revolution, Faculty of Islamic Education and Thought, University of Tehran


 The new right, like its predecessors during the years between World War I and the Second World War, there were violent acts such as Burning places and shelters of immigrants, Assassination and murder, humiliation of colored people, beatings of immigrants, sending messages and threatening comments, and slogans and hatred of religious places. Nevertheless, in the context of the "counter-terrorism" meta -narratives, many violent acts are attributed to immigrants especially to Muslims. This research seeks to answer the question of how the ideological foundations of the emerging new right in the West can be analyzed? And in West, what are the differences of the "other" as the case of extreme right-wing violence?  In response to the above question, this research by documentary method for data collection and through discourse analysis, examined the Foundations of thoughts of the new right. The extreme right discourse in the West seems to be based on an irreconcilable division between "us" and "them," or "self" and "another," and emphasizes a kind of valuation that goes beyond differences. It indicates the superiority of "us" over "them".


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