Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of philosophy of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch

3 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch


Nietzsche points out that these are the outputs of metaphysical theological thinking and that the ultimate outcome of these worldviews is despair, hopelessness and disappointment which results in nihilism. The history of Western thought, as Nietzsche believes, has been full of hostility and hatred towards life as if life is the enemy of thinking, and human salvation requires disengaging oneself from life. Nietzschean affirmation as the alternative of Western thought has a smiling face which is a key component of his thinking. This point of view is rooted in life affirmation, desire towards life and the joyful wisdom. This joyfulness is due to the self-command and the pleasure of will to power and the privilege of having the maximum power which is realized in Nietzsche’s Übermensch. Übermensch reconciles with the past, affirms the present, constructs the future through the bridge of affirmation, and realizes all entities, the self, his fate and predestination through eagerness towards eternal return. Health in Nietzsche’s view is a kind of joyful living, in contrast to metaphysical thinking syndrome, and its full form is realized in the burst of powers and smile figure, which means smiling to life, to the time and place, and this is a Dionysian smile.


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منابع انگلیسی
1. Nietzsche, F., 1918, On the Genealogy of Morals, Translated By Horace B. Samuel, New York, Boni and Liverright
2. Nietzsche, F., 1997, Twilight of the Idols Or How to Philosophize with the Hammer, Translated By Riachard Polt, Hackett Publishing Company
3. Nietzsche, F., 1909, The Will to Power, Translated By Anthony M. Ludovici, Edinburgh T.N Foulis