Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of political science of institute of iranian histoy and culture


Philosophical anthropology with reflection on human nature is one of the special fields of interest of Max Scheler. Influenced by idealism, philosophy of life, and Christianity, his phenomenological approach seeks to provide a comprehensive picture of man. To this end, Scheler pays attention to the real and experiential aspects of man along with his spiritual values ​​and by acknowledging their independence from each other and at the same time their interaction and connection. Influenced by the crisis of his time, Max Scheler, on the one hand, turned his attention to the neglected aspects of man, including emotions and feelings, especially love and hate, and on the other hand, while trying to provide a certain knowledge about man by avoiding essentialism, related matters. Examines human beings from a phenomenological point of view and based on how they are manifested. At the same time, while having philosophical affiliations, he also pays special attention to concrete and real human issues based on sociological concerns. Moreover, Scheler places great value on human diagnosis and of course he argues that man cannot be identified objectively and should only be approached on the basis of a phenomenological approach.


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