Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of philosophy, Isfahan University

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Isfahan


Understanding oneself has been of great importance in various areas of thought and discussed from different aspects. Some thinkers believe that self-understanding is intuitive and others consider it to be reflective and interpretative. In the history of western thought, especially in the areas of hermeneutics and phenomenology, Heidegger and Ricoeur are representative of these two different approaches. From this perspective we entitle their views as ontological and semantics. In this writing, we try to elaborate the ontological view point of Heidegger and the semantic approach of Ricoeur concerning the problem of self-understanding in order to pursue the possibility of any graft between them. For revealing the possibility of this graft, we focus on two aspects; We show that: 1- Self-understanding in Heidegger's and Ricoeur's thought be realized within the common horizons of "time", "language" and "the other", though, through different approaches of ontology and epistemology; and 2- For these three horizons in Ricoeur's definition of them, we can define an ontological foundation within the structure of  dasein.  It seem that this ontological basis can be considered to be at the beginning of Ricoeur's epistemological long route. In this regard, we can graft fundamentally these two approaches onto each other. 


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