Document Type : Research Paper


1 m-human right-researcher

2 Professor of philosophy of Education. Tehran Uni. Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Education, University of Tehran


From the perspective of phenomenology, this research considers the essence of education-Bildung and its different manifestations in the entire history of education. Relying on the first stage of phenomenology, we first turn our face away from the common, evident concept of Bildung. Then, via deconstruction, we will ask about historical phenomena and the nature of Bildung, which will eventually look at the common feature of Bildung or its essence from Heidegger’s perspective. Historically, none of Bildung’s phenomena are essentially the same. They are phenomenal possibilities in the history of education. Every one of the phenomena has the temporal disclosedness of education-Bildung hidden within it, however, none of them can take hold of its totality under their control. Here, the essence of education-Bildung, in its phenomenological expressions, will be deconstructed and in a negative Heidegger manner, we will show that none of these phenomena are the total essence of Bildung. Hence, the essence is embedded in the context of time, which is a kind of openness and caring, as well as the development of the human essence in the overall sense. The essence is both disclosed and hidden in Bildung’s manifold manifestations


  1. منابع

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