Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of education,, Research Institute of Howzeh & University (RIHU)


Understanding the process and conditions of the constitution of modern educational science during the cultural and social history of modern world has a key role in comprehending the nature of educational science, those mentalities and big ideas which govern it and its legacy for today's educational world. To reach that aim, this research studies the socio-cultural grounds of the formation and development of modern educational science by analyzing first-hand and second-hand historical resources about educational science and modern education across regions along the modern history, using historical-analytical method. Based on the findings of the research, six main grounds have been recognized as most effective in the formation of educational science and explained in detail and they are as follows: necessity of preparing new generation for the modern society and inefficiency of traditional institutions, educationalization of social problems, discovering childhood, psychologism (in education), schools and teacher training institutes and finally, the profession of teaching and professionalization of various educational occupations.



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