Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Quranic Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University


Occidentalism is a science that deals with the knowledge of the west. In this knowledge, the "West" is identified as the "other" so that after this knowledge, they can better manage and regulate their interaction with the West than before. Another cognition, due to the coexistence of man and existence, requires an interdisciplinary / transdisciplinary approach. Without an interdisciplinary / interdisciplinary approach, a comprehensive and accurate view of the West cannot be found. Thirteen disciplines have been considered in regional studies related to "Western studies" so far. The most important sciences are in the form of four central disciplines: "Language and Literature", "History", "Political Science", and "Anthropology". Interdisciplinary studies in this field are classified into two types of theoretical critical interdisciplinary. Significant bias is observed in the first species. Theoretical interdisciplinary is the latest type of study to examine the real world and current living societies. Sample-based studies and meetings with an interdisciplinary approach are the most important categories of these studies. This type can be considered as the most complete group of interdisciplinary researches on western studies.


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