Document Type : Promotional article


PhD of philosophy , University of Tabriz


In developing his Foundations of the Science of Knowledge, Fichte draws on two theoretical elements, the meaning of autonomy in Kant's thought, and a practical element, the French Revolution. In this regard, by completing Kant's autonomy (using the experience of the French Revolution), it enables it to penetrate the realm of necessity and foreign substance, and thus transforms freedom into a power beyond Kant's imagination. In this regard, he proposes two theories of action and rational intuition, an unprecedented dichotomy with Kant's philosophy in two areas of changing the theory of how experience is formed and the displacement of self-consciousness instead of consciousness. With these two changes, Fichte creates a new meaning of idealism, reality, and subjectivity. These new elements in Fichte's philosophy are formed not only by the dialectical construction between the French Revolution and Kantian autonomy, but also by the way in which the theory of freedom and how it is developed in the French Revolution is discovered. With this event, Fichte frees the Science of Knowledgefrom the double fall of the face of autonomy with necessity and the revolution with terror.َ


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