Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Philosophy, University of Isfahan

2 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Isfahan


Schilling's treatise on The Philosophical Studies of the Essence of Human freedom (1809) is an attempt to establish a system of freedom. The most central concept in Schelling's system is the concept of "identity", which, with its correct interpretation and finding unity between the opposing concepts of freedom and necessity, justifies his main concern in the theory of absolute idealism. The principle that is pursued in the fundamental search for the formation of the system and the solution for the compatibility of the system and freedom is identity in the true sense that in pantheism as the only possible system of reason is possible. Heidegger's focus on Schelling's thought Revealed the importance of Schelling in the history of Western thought by writing Schelling's Treaties on the Essence of Human Freedom and his multiple interpretations in 1936 and 1941. This study shows how, according to Schelling, a misinterpretation of this principle allows the incompatibility of system and freedom in different interpretations of pantheism, and how Heidegger's interpretation of this principle leads to the question of what is the single and fundamental principle of beings.


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