Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Geography and Urban Planning, Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


The present study deals with the matter of human recognition (specifically anthropocentric). Here we examine the term anthropocentric in the transition from modern philosophy to phenomenology. Our attempt here is to do this with a qualitative analysis of the works and first-hand texts of modern philosophical and phenomenological thinkers. This transition can be followed by "recognition of consciousness". With the influence of Bacon and Descartes, Kant began with doubt, and with his transcendence he brought certainty and conciseness, and carried out the plan to humanize science by eliminating man. Hegel makes this certainty with the phenomenology of the soul and his dialectical scheme with the connection of man and soul in the course of history. Husserl, whose name is familiar with phenomenology, tries to establish certain science with the slogan "Return to Things"; But he brought the "lifeworld" to the relativists, and at the end of his life he considered the dream of philosophy as a certain science to be over. Heidegger (transcendental) puts man at the center of the world. Dasein is always present in the world. The present study reinforces human-centered approaches in which human beings have always been and will always be central.


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