Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Western Philosophy, University of Tabriz

2 PhD student in Western Philosophy, University of Tabriz



In terms of strategic foundations, the theory of government in the political philosophy of Kant and Fichte have much in common. For this reason, it is not only possible to examine these two political theories in one article, but it also helps to make a more accurate comparison and thus a better understanding of the two philosophers in terms of distinctions. The author believes that the objections of their political theories are to a large extent compatible with each other. Because the government, based on their political philosophy, unlike other areas of thought, has been conceived and written in the field of experience and objectivity. In such circumstances, both philosophers place their abstract foundations as a test of the gravitational field of objectivity or experience, and the question is whether they can establish a union between thought and action and write political thought in the style of their epistemology and ethics. In other words, can they establish transcendental or moral and legal freedom in the realm of external objectivity or the state where political philosophy is to be formed?


منابع فارسی و انگلیسی
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فیشته، یوهان گوتلیب(1398)، بنیاد حق طبیعی: بر اساس اصول آموزه‌ی دانش، ترجمه مسعود حسینی، تهران: ققنوس، چاپ اول
امانوئل،کانت(1398)، دین در محدوده عقل تنها، تهران: نشر نقش و نگار، چاپ چهارم
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