Document Type : Research Paper


1 Philosophy,Humanitise,Islamic azad University,Tehran ,Iran.

2 Master of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch



Does human do a morally wrong action, inspite of knowing its wrongness? Socrates-Plato’s answer to this question is negative. To know whether an action is right is the necessary and sufficient condition to do it. However, this answer is not completely accepted neither by some philosophers like Aristotle, nor by ordinary people. we see many people who know that an action is morally wrong but initiate to do it. In this paper, I will try to explain Kant's answer to this common phenomenon by focusing on his Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason and by having a glimpse into Groundwork, and compare his answer to Plato’s and Aristotle’s. for this purpose,, firstly the definition of radical evil (morally wrong action), then the good and evil disposition in human nature, and finally choosing the evil action and the relation between choosing an evil action and knowing its badness is studied.


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