Document Type : Research Paper
PhD of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch
This research aims to analyze the concept of westernization in Ahmad Fardid's philosophy of history and its relationship with the Islamic Revolution. In it, while analyzing Fardid's attitude towards the state of human civilization in the new era, the position of the Islamic Revolution in it as a great transformation to get rid of the control of Westernization is attempted. And to deal with the non-existence caused by it should be considered. The critical interpretation method has been considered in this research, and with its application, it has been tried to evaluate and criticize the concept of westernization in Farid's intellectual literature and its relationship with the Islamic Revolution. Fardid's analysis of this important political development is mostly based on the anti-Western characteristics of the Islamic Revolution, and he is indifferent to the political nature of the revolution as a modern political phenomenon.The main finding of this research is to understand the reductionist nature of Fardid's thought about the relationship between the Islamic Revolution and modernity and to examine the consequences of his analysis, which requires ignoring the political, economic and social aspects of the revolution and focusing only on its ontological dimension. The overall result shows that the ontological approach and individual history philosophy, which is based on Heidegger's critique of metaphysics and attention to Ibn Arabi's mystical nomenclature and apocalyptic ideas, has fundamental shortcomings in explaining the phenomenon of the Islamic Revolution.
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