Document Type : Research Paper


PhD at kharazmi uni.


In the later theory of desire, two important economies of desire can be identified according to Lacan and Deleuze; Different formulations of the expansion of desire, each of which creates special relationships with the subject and society. Deleuze, with the plan of schizoanalysis against psychoanalysis, is completely separated from the Freudian tradition and establishes a new form of the economy of desire. Against the Oedipal formulation of desire in Lacan, with continuous reference to a missing ultimate object, desire circulates in a vortex movement around an oedipal core, in Deleuze's anti-Oedipal scheme, the body becomes a desire machine. It is possible to produce and move desire in schizo and rhizomatic ways. In general, two types of economy of desire can be recognized here: interal-expansion of desire in Lacan and external- expansion of desire in Deleuze. Also, in Lacan, the concepts of lack and fantasy that organize the economy of desire, and in Deleuze, the concept of the body without organs by producing desire as force, formulate special forms of the relationship between desire and society.


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