Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA Student of philosophy in Imam khomeini university of Qazvin Ikiu.

2 Phd in political science in Tehran University




in modern times, two fundamental crises have raised the need to pay attention to laws. The first crisis was the "religious and civil wars" in Europe, and the second crisis was the "tyranny and oppression" of political systems. Montesquieu was one of the thinkers who pondered those crises and offered a solution to correct them. He can be considered the most prolific thinker who, by a Copernican revolution in political philosophy and law, set out to formulate the conceptual foundations of the separation of powers in accordance based on the English Constitution. Montesquieu was a moderate and conservative writer who influenced the Enlightenment, the Founding Fathers, and the authors of the Federalist Papers, one of the most important classical work of American political philosophy. The Federalist Papers were influenced by Montesquieu. Accordingly, the present article seeks to show the impact of Montesquieu's teachings on the thought of the authors of the Federalist Papers on how the rule of law was established in the first democratic republic in modern times. Such an understanding helps us to gain a more accurate understanding of the importance of this influence in modern times.

Keywords: Montesquieu, Federalist Papers, Rule of Law, Freedom, Democracy, Republic


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