Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. in Philosophy, Fundamental Knowledge Research Institute



According to moral non-naturalism, moral notions like “goodness” are sui generis. They are not reducible to any natural or metaphysical notions. One of the pivotal arguments raised against the view is the normative argument. The main idea is that these sui generis properties would have no “normative authority” over us. In this paper, I will consider an external construal of the argument developed by Dasgupta. Dasgupta, in his external normative argument, grants for the sake of argument that there is a sui generis property P. However, he holds that there is still the unanswered question: Why the sui generis property P should be promoted? He claims that there is no answer to this question; hence P, if there is such a property, cannot be the property “goodness”. In this paper, I will examine the argument at length. I will try to clarify that the argument is based on the wrong supposition.


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