Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Philosophy of Education, Shahed University

2 Professor of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University of Tehran

3 Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid University of Tehran



In this paper, with the aim of presenting the foundations, goals, principles and ethical methods for metamodernism, a combined research method including documentary method, conceptual analysis of concept interpretation type and inferential research method of progressive type has been used. First, by applying the documentary research method, while collecting and integrating the moral ideas of metamodernism experts, through the conceptual analysis research method of the interpretation of the concept, he explained and defined metamodernism and ethics in metamodernism. Also, the application of the inferential research method of the progressive type has led to the formulation of the foundations, goals, principles and ethical methods of metamodernism. Therefore, it has been mentioned about creating mobility to move from postmodernist ethics to metamodernist ethics as the ultimate goal of ethics in metamodernism, which includes eight principles and three ethical methods in addition to seven intermediate goals. Components such as returning to past movements, new honesty, authenticity, love and care, collapsing distances, hierarchies, "as if" process and grand narratives have been proposed as the moral principles of metamodernism. Also, integration and combination, the equation of both - neither, and the equation of both - and... are the ethical methods of metamodernism.


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