Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD (C), philosophy of art, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-north branch

2 Assoc. prof. Dr, Department of Philosophy, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-north branch

3 Assoc. prof. Dr, Department of Theatre, Tehran University of Art



According to Gilles Deleuze, the Virtual is the ideal dimension of reality and the virtual image is the inseparable part of crystal-time between subjectivity and objectivity, which is the most complex form and structure of narrating time Deleuze,. This study aims to illuminate the concept of the virtual image in Gilles Deleuze's philosophy, and since the main hypothesis of this research is the effect of the concept of the virtual image on the "European art cinema movement" in the field of narrative's methods and structures, hence the research In order to prove this hypothesis, after explaining the concept of the virtual image and its role in the crystal-time model in Gilles Deleuze's philosophy, the study will examine movies like; Hiroshima My Love 1959 - last year in Marine Wind 1961 - Immortal 1963 in order to demonstrate how these films have achieved different representations of a time in their narrative structure and what are the differences with a linear structure of time. Also, this research seeks to achieve a model for reading and analyzing this type of time-oriented narrative.





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