Document Type : Promotional article


1 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Arak University, Arak, Iran

2 PhD in political science from Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran



The crisis of the public sphere or the category of the end of politics is one of the topics that has received a lot of attention in the political thought of the West in recent years. Reluctance to participate in elections, lack of trust in government and politics, and a decrease in political knowledge are some of the phenomena that have caused Western thinkers to refer again to concepts such as politics, the private sphere, and their relationship. In this article, Hannah Arendt's political thought about the place of the public sphere and the private sphere is discussed as a theoretical base and then the external manifestation of this thought and its effects on the western society are examined. As Hannah Arendt thinks, the modern western politics has lost its independence and has appeared in a new meaning, a meaning that makes it dependent on the economy and, in other words, the private sphere.In the modern era, as emphasized by Arendt, politics established a close bond with economy and was defined under it.


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