Document Type : Research Paper
1 M.A. in Philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran
2 Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran
Technology in the age of information in general and theory of simulation in Baudrillard thought in particular are the basis of this paper. With emphasize on critical approach, this paper intends to pursue these basic and secondary issues and questions in Baudrillard philosophy: What is the relationship between information and meaning? What is simulation and what is the difference between representation and simulation, and finally, how is the world of simulation? Baudrillard believed that, we have passed through the age of representation and entered an age that can be called the age of simulation. This age is very different from previous in a way that removes all previous discourses and also redefines man. In this paper, first we examine the background and origins of Baudrillard thought, and then the question of information and its relation to meaning. In the final part of the paper, we try to critically examine Baudrillard thought from the perspective of pragmatism.
فهرست منابع
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