Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate in research of art, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Professor in College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Iran


This research purpose is to answer the question of how the discourse of social commitment in contemporary art of the world has presented itself and how is it manifested in the way of expressing works of art? In a descriptive-analytical method, it has studied the process of formation of the discourse of social commitment in the contemporary art of the Western world and its manifestation in the art of war and peace. As a result, much of contemporary world art has embraced the discourse of social commitment; But the place and role of political and social commitment in art has been fundamentally changed by the functioning of contemporary art movements. If in the past we encountered formalist, unitary, individual expression in the role of a particular commodity in museums and galleries, today we are confronted with conceptualist, pluralistic works, with an emphasis on the social dimension as a statement. We encounter public places, streets, museums, and galleries, and finally, at this time, art breaks away from its limited framework and, as an action, places the artist in the role of an activist in relation to social issues.


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