Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D in Moral Philosophy, Moral Philosophy department, Faculty of Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 MA student in Moral Philosophy, Moral Philosophy department, Faculty of Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Descartes, in his epistemological inquiry process, known as grammatical doubt, has chosen a kind of behavioral discipline with a provisional state. In this type of moral advice, living on the basis of common and relatively simple principles is promoted without the need for a previous philosophical basis, and regardless of the content of the belief and the degree of its coherence or strength. The question is that What is the conceivable relationship between: a) This minimalist interpretation of morality, which takes the easy preparation of acknowledging the necessity of morality and discovering its major instances, and b) The so-called postmodern morality, which in the later historical context of Descartes, and it takes a much stricter view of the possibility and value of morality? By an intertextual reading of the relationship between provisional and postmodern perceptions of ethics, it seems that Descartes's provisional behavioral strategy is a commentary on the presence of ethics in postmodern discourse and, in fact, it is the pillar of the survival of this discourse regarding to the necessity of ethics.


  • منابع

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